MADE Digital Art Salon
I started attending the MADE game museum digital art salons for creators on Wednesday nights. Surrounded by video games from the 1970’s to the present as well as books and posters all around digital art, our conversations veer from the history of openGL to working in graphics effects studios and 3D animation and the future of augmented reality.
Ever since COVID and the gentrification of San Francisco we noticed that fewer artists and hackers are meeting in person. It’s powerful to talk to people in person and not just online. We have presentations but more importantly, we often just sit talk and create around each other, and even more delightful are the moments when random people walk in and tell stores about the Whole Earth Catalog or hanging out with Doug Engleheart in the SRI days (daze).
Even around all the digital art it’s nice to go analogue. I spent time sketching inspired by the 3D reconstruction of Tenochitlan videos…